
Sparklike Laser Portable in a Research About of The Re-use Potential of Insulating Glass Units

On June, Sparklike attended Glass Performance Days (GPD) to learn new findings and trends in glass industry. GPD was special for Sparklike since research made by Elke van Nieuwenhuijzen was introduced. The study is called In situ detection of product age and argon concentration as measure of the re-use potential of insulating glass units in buildings and is made by Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Peutz and partners.

The research contributed to the academic field of Glass Structures and Engineering. What the research found was that the screening method using the product age and argon concentration to determine the circular use potential of insulating glass units is proposed as a strategy. This sends a positive message to the re-use of elements and how to ensure a longer life cycle and safety of buildings. Also, encouraging is that U-value should be better utilized in an old building and on-site and not only when creating new units.

Generally, research aims to find new solutions for problems we are phasing now or in the future to ensure the best processes and manners to tackle them. That is the reason why Sparklike also want to be part of research. This very paper shows the importance of quality and longevity which is expected from buildings and building materials. This supports the functioning and safety of the elements and how to optimize their use. As an important theme, Sparklike is proud to be part of a study to find re-use potential of insulating glass units.

Read also how Laser Portable was used in on-site independent testing on a building in Europe.

Read the paper here: https://rdcu.be/dhXVs

If you have any questions, please contact us.  

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