
Sparklike Laser Portable 2.1 training at Polypane Glasindustrie in Belgium

In September 2023 Sparklike did a training at Polypane Glasindustrie in Belgium to introduce non-destructive insulating gas measuring device Laser Portable 2.1.

Strengthen Polypane Quality control procedures

Polypane Glasindustrie purchased the newest version of Sparklike Laser Portable to improve their IGU quality assurance. They have been using Sparklike Handheld for almost 20 years and now was the right time to upgrade to newest technology to enable non-destructive insulating gas measuring. With Sparklike Laser Portable 2.1, the company is now able to measure also triple glazing with lamination and coatings.

Franky Symoens, Managing Director at Polypane Glasindustrie in Belgium, comments their purchase:

“We have been following the development of this device for some time now and believe it to be the right moment to make this investment in order to strengthen our Quality control procedures.”

Sparklike appreciates Polypane Glasindustrie for long term cooperation with Sparklike. We are delighted to see again that IGU quality matters and investments to ensure this are put into practice.

Sparklike Laser Portable 2.1 in use

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