Many windows have nowadays Low-E, low-emissivity, coats to enhance its energy efficiency functions. That is why it is relevant to ask can Sparklike Handheld measure Low-E coated IG units.
The answer is yes, if the other side of the double-glazed glass is clear glass. That is only when you can measure through it.
With Sparklike Laser you are able to measure double and triple glazed insulating glass units with most coatings and lamination.
Measure close to the speacer and perform the measuremnt several times. Keep the IG upright and the hand unit flush to the IG unit and do not move the hand unit during measurement. Also make sure you can see the spark and you measure on the non-laminated or non-coated side.
Like any measuring device: annually. To ease the process and reduce overall costs Sparklike offers Sparklike CARE™ at but you are also able to send to annual calibration separately.
Revolutionizing Energy Efficiency in the Insulating Glass Industry