The Sparklike non-invasive gas measurement device is a straightforward process to test argon gas in windows. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
- Obtain the Sparklike Device:
- Acquire the Sparklike non-invasive gas measurement device. This tool is specifically designed for testing the insulating gas content in insulating glass unit and windows, including argon or krypton.
- Ensure Proper Conditions:
- Make sure the glass surface is clean and dry before conducting the test. Remove any obstructions that might interfere with the device’s sensor readings.
- Power On the Device:
- Turn on the Sparklike device and allow it to initialize. Follow the instructions for the specific model you are using.
- Manual for Sparklike Handheld
- Manual for Sparklike Laser Portable
- Place the Device on the Window:
- Gently place the Sparklike device on the insulating glass unit where you want to test argon gas. Ensure good contact between the device’s sensor and the glass surface.
- Initiate the Measurement:
- Follow the device instructions to initiate the measurement process. The Sparklike device uses non-invasive technology to analyze the insulating gas content without affecting the integrity of the IGU.
- Watch how to measure with Sparklike Laser Portable 2.1
- Review the Results:
- The device will provide real-time measurements of the argon or other gas content in the IGU. This allows acting quickly to possible defects.
- Repeat if Necessary:
- For accurate results, consider conducting multiple measurements at different locations on the window. This helps ensure a comprehensive assessment of the overall gas content.