Sparklike China Calibration Week – Serving Customer Better

At Sparklike, we take our commitment to sense of security at heart. We hope that our argon testing equipment is in daily use, and that operators feel confident that the readings are correct. Therefore, we recommend calibrating Sparklike products yearly. To make this calibration process easy for our clients we try to go the extra mile. A calibration notice is sent automatically on the due date, but we also try to contact our customers more personally. Example of this is the China Calibration Week.

In China, Sparklike hosts a calibration week every year. Instead of sending out the devices to Finland for calibration, we fly our expert to Shanghai. Our representative in China contacts our Chinese customers via email, mail and telephone to offer this possibility to manage the service and maintenance needs efficiently.

Half of the customers that typically calibrate their devices in China took the opportunity to service their argon analyzers during China Calibration week. This meant a busy week for our expert. When normally 3-5 devices are serviced per day, we now managed to service 6. This meant longer days as calibration depends on the complexity of the devices used condition.

When conducting the calibration, Sparklike expert checks also overall usability of the device, runs latest updates and checks the device for maintenance needs. The argon analyzer is then returned to the customer together with a calibration certificate and explicit list of calibration actions conducted.

As the dependability of the argon measurement is important to the operator, we hope to see many more analyzers calibrated next year. For assistance in China, please contact sales representative Jolene Hu.

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